Best Practices for Implementing JSON


When working with large datasets; implementing efficient pagination is crucial for performance and usability. JSON:API provides guidelines for pagination, but there are multiple approaches, such as page-based, offset-based, and cursor-based pagination. What are the best practices for implementing pagination while maintaining compliance with JSON:API standards? :upside_down_face:

One challenge developers face is balancing performance with usability. For example, cursor-based pagination is more efficient for large datasets but can be complex to implement. On the other hand; offset-based pagination is simpler but may become slow with large data tables. How do you determine the best approach for your specific use case? :thinking: I have checked Salesforce Developer documentation guide for reference.

Iā€™d love to hear insights from those; who have implemented pagination in JSON:API. What challenges did you encounter, and how did you resolve them? Are there recommended libraries / techniques that simplify pagination while ensuring consistency with JSON:API specifications? :thinking:

Thank you ! :slightly_smiling_face:

Iā€™m one of those people who has only used the page[number] page[size] implementation and that is or was a thing our frontend developers hated. What I mean by hated is the links object with first, last, and so on values, so instead we added headers also to include a count of all records, current page, next page and so on.

On thing to take note of is that the json specifications are open to most kinds of pagination

and if the implementation the team did (that i worked in) would have been done only with the json api specifications then we would probably had included a meta object in the links object like the discussion in Pagination controls.