I need on Clarification on Handling Relationships in JSON Specification

Hii Guys! :saluting_face:

I just wanted to pick your brains about using JSON for managing connections between things in my project. I am a bit stuck on some steps and how to do it right.

Here is where I am stuck:

  • When things are connected within other connected things, how should I set up the JSON response to keep it clear and easy to understand? Should these nested connections be part of the main thing, or shown separately?
  • How can I make sure information stays consistent when updating connected things? For instance, if I change one thing, and it affects other connected things, what’s the best way to handle those updates all at once?
  • What are some good ways to break down large groups of connected things into pages when using JSON? Are there any specific rules I should follow?
  • When there are problems with connections in JSON, how can I report the errors in a way that’s helpful for people using my system, while still following the JSON rules?
  • Are there any tips I can use to make connections in JSON work faster?

I also check this post: https://discuss.jsonapi.org/t/specify-fieldset-for-included-relationship-of-the-same-resource-typesalesforce-dev But I have not found any solution. Could anyone provide me the best solution for this.

Thanks in advance! :innocent:

Respected community member :heart_eyes_cat:

Did you had a look at JSON:API specification? That specification is a proposal how to solve those problems. This forum is for questions regarding that specification.