Two Filters for Nested Reference Props

Hi there.

I am trying to create a filters group (AND) for 2 filters, that deal with reference fields:

- Field “Property Type” (included)

    • Field “key”

- Field “Province” (included)

    • Field “key”

But for some reason the return is always an empty array (no results)

Each Filter on its own works perfect. The problem exists when combining them. Must be my syntax.

      fields: {
        "taxonomy_term--property_type": "field_key,name",
        "taxonomy_term--provinces": "field_key,name",
      filter: {
        defaultFilters: {
          group: {
            conjunction: "AND",
        "field_province.field_key": {
          condition: {
            path: "field_province.field_key",
            value: "iloilo",
            memberOf: "defaultFilters",
        "field_property_type.field_key": {
          condition: {
            path: "field_property_type.field_key",
            value: "buy",
            memberOf: "defaultFilters",
      include: "field_property_type,field_province",
      page: {
        limit: 10,
      sort: [],

      "page[offset]": 0,

Any help is appreciated.
