I am bit confused reading this,
A document MAY contain any of these top-level members:
jsonapi: an object describing the server’s implementation
links: a links object related to the primary data.
included: an array of resource objects that are related to the primary data and/or each other (“included resources”).
Say, if I have an instance “org” with the following relationships,
org (dir)
File{'name='o1.txt', size=1000}
File{l'name='o2.txt', size=5000}
departments (dir)
File{l'name='d1.txt', size=200}
File{l'name='d2.txt', size=300}
users (dir)
File{'null'name='u1.txt', size=3000}
File{'null'name='u2.txt', size=5000}
utils (dir)
i.e. “org” has 2 dirs and 2 files at the top level.
My question is should I include “users” instance in “included”?
I am unsure about this because “users” is not directly related to the top-object but it is related to the included “departments”. At the same time, the specs also mentioned to include objects related to “included resources”.
If I do include “users” in this case, which is unrelated to the top object, then I have to include everything and would run into troubles if I have a huge object graph. Alternatively, should I set a limit somewhere during serialization? Thanks.