How to validate the JSON API format

I need to know if the following JSON is a valid JSON API format:

“labels” : [ “BANNABLE”, “MIN-BAR”, “Malware”, “Risky” ]

Is there any online validator? Can the people in this group validate please?

I think you can validate your snippet with a regular JSON validator like this one


If that is your full request/sesponse body, then no, it’s not valid JSON API. In JSON API, all data must be under aa top-level data key (or a meta key for metadata).

There is a JSON Schema document for the JSON API spec, which (with a few small caveats) can be used to validate whether any JSON document is valid JSON API. Just put your document and that schema into a JSON Schema validator, like this one, and it should tell you if your document is valid.

Use this tool: JSON Formatter

Use one of the best JSON tools.

You can also use for json validator,beautify,minify,xml,yaml,CSV,bson,plain text,base64,tsv.
Do checkout this site!