To check if a json is a valid one against the jsonapi specifications, we can use the json schema provided on the jsonapi.org site but there are a lot of rules it can’t validate.
I have created a tool which let to perform a stronger validation (check the full-linkage condition for example). The UI is available here : https://jsonapi-spec-validator-ui.herokuapp.com/
This UI is only a light client of a REST API which is doing all the validation work.
The architecture is the following : ReactJS UI + nodejs (hapi) API + nodejs (Should extension) lib to check the json validity.
That is a work-in-progress project, I would be pleased to have your opinion on this project.
I think it must be obvious I’m not a very good front-developer and I’m not an English native so any help is welcomed.
I don’t have yet open-sourced this project but if there are some interest I could do that with some work.
I hope that could help some people.