Web Service using JSON in Axis2


I am currently develop a web service using Axis2 and JSON database.

The program will receive input from web service and my program need to process the incoming input and return result back to the sender - PASS/FAIL transaction - Basically sending back the return code.

In one of the steps in the process after receiving the input is make a query to database and get the following result.

{"1":[{"entry":"2","count":1}],"2":[{"entry":"https://abc.com","count":1}],"3":[{"entry":"Chrome|Windows NT 6.1","count":1}],"4":[],"7":[{"entry":"1","count":1}],"8":[{"entry":"1","count":1}]}

I need to put the result into the JSON Object, but my program stuck at the syntax below:

JSONObject obj = new JSONObject();

May I know what is the necessary steps that I need to take in order for me to be able to make my program run?

Current development environment:
